On Saturday I visited a familiar place and tweeted my observations that I made during the experience.  These tweets included:

Pull up and there three cars parked outside #twitterive #familiarplace
Customer walks in before store is open #twitterive #familiarplace
The fresh aroma of chocolate in the cold air #twitterive #familiarplace
Five pieces of dropped candy within the first ten minutes of being there #twitterive #familiarplace
Twenty boxes of candy checked in #twitterive #familiarplace
Customer gets angry when I ask to see their id #twitterive#familiarplace
Three balloons, two red and one pink, out front with a sign that reads "place your valentines candy orders today" #twitterive#familiarplace
The air conditioner is blowing within the building leaving behind a bone chilling coldness #twitterive#familiarplace
Five minutes until I can leave and a sense of excitement comes until I realize it is raining and cold outside#twitterive #familiarplace
The day ends with at least forty "Hi! How are you today?" asked to each person who walks in the door#familiarplace #twitterive
Where is this #familiarplace? Good ole hallmark, my second home. #twitterivehttp://yfrog.com/odlirzaj

The familiar place that I chose for this assignment was where I work, Hallmark.  All of these observations were made during my 9:30 am- 4 pm shift over the last weekend.  I have worked there for four years and it has become my second home.  I used to dread going into work and spending countless hours with ungrateful, rude customers.  Like Berry in The Art of the Common Place because he took a place and changed his relationship with it.  I tried to get away from Hallmark because I thought I was getting to a place in my life where I wanted change, I was wrong.  I worked at another job for two months before committing myself to Hallmark again.  I realized that life isn't sweeter on the other side.